With the Thanksgiving Holiday coming up this thursday and due to recent events in my life, I'm taking time out to reflect on my many blessings! My mother had a near fatal heart attack on Friday, November 21st. Luckily, she has great friends who insisted on calling for emergency medical personnel. After an angioplasty and placement of a stent in her right coronary artery, she is recovering at Straub in Honolulu. My weekend was spent worrying and praying for her.

To make an attempt to keep my mind busy, I read the book "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer, cover to cover! It was great mind candy and I now find myself needing to read the other three books in the series!
My husband's best friend, Dexter, the chocolate lab, is also recovering. We had him at the Vet most of last week, not sure if he would live or not. First they thought he'd been poisoned, then a brain tumor, then a stroke. It turns out that it seems to be some sort of inner ear condition that is prevalent in dogs who have trouble with ear infections. He is slowly improving, can go up and down the stairs on his own but still has control issues with walking and standing up and laying down. I really wonder if he is milking his illness to become a "house dog"? At any rate, it's kind of fun having him in the house except he really is a bed hog!
School is busy with prepartion for the State Leadership CDE's in early December. Most of us are rather preoccupied with the short week and anticipation of Thanksgiving. I look forward to time with the girls. We'll miss Jenna but can't wait until she is home for Christmas break in about 19 days!