Last night was our high school's winter formal. We also had a 40th anniversary and retirement (combo)party to go to. So I headed out the door and left Mr. Wonderful home with the dogs and headed for town. I stopped at the grocery store for more Oreos and cream cheese since Mr. Wonderful got into the hidden stash. I met my friend and teaching colleague Karin and we were off to the party. Great crowd at the anniversary party and a wonderful opportunity to see many former students and old friends. About 11:00 we decided, with cameras in hand, that it was time to go to the school and embarrass our children! The dance was hoppin, (and grindin') the kids were really having fun. It always makes me feel good at these events when my students come running, or in this case, sort of dancing, up to me to say hi or introduce me to their date. We took several pictures, many of which turned out blurry. Left the camera in the truck when we went to the anniversary party and it kept fogging up in the school commons. I'm sure the kids got some fun pictures that they'll be taggin me in on facebook.
foggy camera lens :(

Cute of Ali but Chase has a "pouty face"

Of course, the couldn't let me get two nice pictures! :)

This morning/afternoon, Ali and I are making Cake Balls (see Bakerella's Blog) and Oreo balls. We've got two batches of Oreo Balls and one batch of Cake Balls "chilling" in the "Big" freezer (outside). We decided on yellow cake and plan to coat them in chocolate coating.
Brownie Balls! Crushed Oreos and cream cheese.

Chill and dip in chocolate

Cake Balls: Bake a package cake according to the directions, cool and crumble.

Stir in one container of cream cheese (or any flavor) prepared frosting.
Roll into balls and chill.
Dip in chocolate
Garnish with more chocolate~!
In between rolling things into balls and dipping them in chocolate I managed to catch some of the football games this afternoon. There's pheasant and rice in the crockpot. All in all, a perfect day!